Arrival of learners at the beginning of each school day:
- Learners who are exhibiting any symptoms of the Coronavirus (cough, fever, fatigue, sore throat, shortness of breath, tight chest or diarrhea) must stay at home.
- Everyone must wear a face mask at school at all times.
- Learners may only arrive from 07h15 and will be screened before 08h00. All learners must be seated in their classrooms by 08h00. Please make sure that your child arrives well before 08h00. We are on a strict schedule.
- All learners will enter at the UPS front gate, including hostel learners. Their hands will be sanitised at the gate upon entry. Learners will wait in line following 1,5m social distance until they reach the screening stations. It will be clearly indicated which Grade must go to the different stations. The learners will be allowed to line up on the front lawn while they wait to join the line to be scanned. Therefore, they will not line up outside the school next to the road where it could be dangerous. Grade 1s and 4s will line up on the left-hand side of the pathway on the dots, while the Gr2s and 3s will line up on the right-hand side.
- There will be two screening stations. At each station the learner’s temperature will be taken and will be followed by a short questionnaire. Behind these stations will be a designated area with chairs, for learners to sit and rest if they walked to school to measure their temperature 10 minutes later again.
- Once learners have been screened, they head to their classroom.
Classrooms and Learners:
- Learners will be allowed to take their school bags into the classrooms with them. Each learner must have a hand sanitizer at their desk for personal use.
- While inside the classrooms – learners must practice social distancing at all times, stay seated in their chair and put up their hand if they need the bathroom or to throw something in the bin.
- Learners may walk to the bathrooms through passages. Learners will sanitize their hands before they leave their desk to go to the bathroom and their hands will be sanitized as they return to the classroom.
- There will be staff in the bathrooms throughout the day to make sure the children practice social distancing as well as sanitize and clean the bathrooms regularly. Learner must wash their hands once they have used the bathroom.
- There will be no tolerance for learners that do not follow the social distancing and sanitizing rules. These learners will be asked to clear their desk (as if end of day) and parents will be contacted to fetch the child immediately. We cannot allow these rules to be broken with regards to social distancing. These are set rules made by the government.
Break time:
- Duration of break: 30 minutes. Grade 3s and 4s will have a 2nd break of 15 minutes.
- Grade 1 and Grade 2 will have break together. (Grade 1s on the front fields, Grade 2s on the back rugby field). Grade 3 and Grade 4 (Grade 4s on the front fields, Grade 3s on the back rugby field) will have break together.
- Bathroom breaks will be closely monitored.
- Learners must wash their hands thoroughly after bathroom visits.
- Teachers and working staff will supervise during break. Everyone must be 1,5m apart from each other.
- Learners must bring enough food to school, as well their own water. The water dispensers in the classrooms cannot be used for safety measures.
- There will be no sharing of food, liquids or food items.
- There will not be a tuck shop.
- The playpark will be out of bounds.
- When break ends the learners will lead straight back to class.
- Teachers will sanitize hands upon entering classrooms.
- Bathrooms will be sanitized regularly and a thorough cleaning will take place after breaks.
Departure of learners:
- Grade 1s and Grade 3s will use the Main gate to exit. Grade 2s and Grade 4s will use the bottom gate close to the boy’s hostel. Signs will be put up. Grades will leave at different times to prevent a bottleneck.
- The times must be strictly adhered to. No children may loiter after school. Their transport must fetch them on time.
- Learners will be walked to the gate by their class teacher to ensure safe social distancing.
- Parents are not allowed into the premises, but welcome to wait outside the gate while practicing social distancing towards other parents. They are encouraged to wait in the car, but we realise not all have transport or learners might not see their parents.
- End of day: Grade 1 and 2 @ 13:00. Grade 3 and 4 @ 13:45.
Isolation and Isolation Room:
- Any learners that might be infected or possibly suspected of being sick or ill will be sent to the isolation room.
- A staff member will fetch the learner and take them to the isolation room.
- The teacher will fill in a slip including the child’s name and reason for being sent to the isolation room.
- The school secretary will contact the parents or hostel matrons to fetch the learner. Learners must be fetched immediately.
- A staff member will take the learner to the gate where the parents or hostel matrons will receive the learner.
- Parents or hostel matrons need to contact the school the next day to inform the school how the learner is doing.
- Bedding will be changed/washed immediately. Room will be sanitized after any child has been there for any reason.
- No extra-murals will be allowed.
- No Aftercare in the afternoons.
- Parents must inform the school if their child is absent and provide a reason. We need to be aware to ensure the safety of everyone else, especially our learners. If the learner is absent for more than 3 days, a medical certificate must be provided to the school.
- It is important that the school gets notified if any learner was in contact with a covid-19 positive person or if they show symptoms or that it is suspected that the learner might have the virus.
- Learners may wear civvies.
- Learners must have their own hand sanitizers and big cereal boxes on their desks.
- The school and bathrooms will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized on a daily basis.
- No parent, guardian or visitor may enter the school premises at any time. All communication with the school should be telephonic (049 892 3848) or via e-mail (
- You are reminded that if you wish to keep your child at home to please fill in the exemption form from school attendance and email it to